Leadership Structure

Leadership Opportunities

Whether you are new to campus, or a returning student, participation in hall government associations gives you the opportunity to develop critical leadership skills. Allowing students to gain experience in service, planning events, and creating solutions to hall issues while advocating on behalf of their communities.

Students develop a greater sense of belonging to their community and create a support network for themselves and those around them. With this, students gain valuable skills that can translate to both their academic and professional lives, such as communication, problem-solving, and collaboration.

Image of the Loal hall association relationships to Residence Hall Association. TJHA, RCHA, UCHA, and OCHA are subsidiary organizations to RHA

Local Hall Associations

Our local hall associations are typically composed of 3 roles; governors, committee chairs, and executive board members.  To see each of this year’s executive boards, check out each association under the local HA’s tab! Many of our hall associations are still looking to fill out their executive boards for this upcoming year.

Residence Hall Association

RHA has a host of leadership positions, these include senators, committee coordinators, and executive board positions. Think you may be interested in holding a position this upcoming year? Fill out our interest form, so we can provide you with information on this year’s election timeline!


Governors serve as representatives of their floor/building to their local hall associations. They are expected to attend their respective hall/housing association’s bi-weekly meetings and attend committee meetings for their designated committees. Governor appointment will begin at your floor/building’s first community meeting, but governors are able to join at any point in the year if there are vacancies.

Committee Chairs (CCs):

All local hall associations, barring OCHA, have committee chairs that lead hall-improvement, and programing efforts throughout the year. These positions are typically elected by the local hall association’s general body at the beginning of each academic year. They are expected to attend their respective hall/housing association’s bi-weekly meetings and lead committee meetings for their designated committees. A complete list of committee chair requirements will be presented prior to CC elections.

Executive boards:

RCHA, UCHA, and TJHA have executive boards that consist of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. OCHA follows RHA’s structure and consists of a President, Vice President of Events, Vice President of Advocacy, and Secretary-Treasurer. Many of our hall associations are still looking to fill out their governing boards for this upcoming year. So make sure to reach out if interested, specific position requirements will be communicated prior to positional elections!


Senators must attend all RHA meetings (unless excused by the Operations Coordinator, or a proxy is provided) and are required to participate in a committee as directed by the Vice President of Events. RHA general body is composed of up to 60 senators, these positions are split among each of our residence halls based on population.

Committee Coordinators (CCs):

Committee coordinators hold the same attendance requirements as senators. Additionally, they will be expected to teach the committee the necessary skills needed to perform its duties, guide the committee’s goals throughout the year, and run meetings. CC’s will also be responsible for maintaining updated lists of committee members throughout the year and maintaining their committee’s communications and documents. These positions are to be held by Senators for the full academic year. The committee chairs will be responsible for leading the completion of specific tasks relevant to each program, event, or initiative. These positions have an expected time spent per week of 12 hours, this time includes but is not limited to, time spent working on or attending RHA-sponsored programs, office hours, general assembly meetings, officer meetings, committee meetings, and any other meetings in which the officer is representing RHA. To see this year’s CC’s, check out the governing board tab!

Executive Board Members (Also known as “QuadCore”):

RHA’s executive board consists of the President, Vice President of Events, Vice President of Advocacy, and Operations Coordinator. For position-specific requirements, please check out our constitution, under the resources tab. These positions have an expected time spent per week of 20 hours, this time includes but is not limited to, time spent working on or attending RHA-sponsored programs, office hours, general assembly meetings, officer meetings, committee meetings, and any other meetings in which the officer is representing RHA. To see this year’s QuadCore, check out the governing board tab!

RHA’s Structure